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Wednesday 1 March 2017


In the fleeting moments of time
When I give in to unconsciousness every night
Obligingly subdued to slumber
I syncopate my wings to zephyr
And fly away to utopia
A kingdom with my own rules
And no limitations
With no Prince Charming
Calling me in his oh-so-sexy voice
But a plenitude of lilies and swans,
Calm rivers and mountains, Crickets
Singing sagas of cold nights,
Clouds whispering secrets of empty skies
Cats and dogs wandering side by side
Ground enemies brought together
With the tide
Unicorns giving homies a ride.
Small things that matter
And no stupid human voices ruining everything
No squeaking of brakes and horns
No wildlife disappearing mysteriously

I am perched on a giant eagle
Meandering the limits of troposphere
And suddenly I want to laugh and cry
I want to dance, I may even die
I may be tipsy because I'm too high
And oh I feel something, I smell peace
And breathe cosmos, I taste the Sun
And hear, on the far end of the world
Reality beckoning to me, hoaxing by coax
Such a bitch it is, Reality. It beckons me, cries Come here,
This is real this is real this is real.
It isn't it isn't it isn't, I tell myself.

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